Family Relocation

Family Relocation

At Amlak management, we understand that for the expat to be happy, productive, and able to settle in, he needs to be sure that family is taken care of, for example knowing that their partner is as happy and settled as they are in their new location means that the employee can focus on their new job, free from worry about a homesick partner struggling with a fruitless job search.

Amlak offers a comprehensive programme aimed at helping the partner of your relocating employee to settle into their new environment and provide career assistance where required.

We offer a tailor-made programme designed around the specific requirements of the individual, whether they are looking for work or just to settle into their local community. We help them understand the differences in the job market and the society they have moved into and support them in finding activities that they’ll enjoy.

Additionally, we are happy to assist our families with professional, friendly, English speaking baby-siters that are available to take care of their young ones whether they are out at work or simply enjoying a night out together.

This assists the ability of your employee to work productively, with research showing that once relocated, employee success is closely linked to how their partner copes with the disruption to their own life.

Ready to work with us?

give us a call and we promise to make your relocation experience very smooth!